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Well, this is a most welcome outcome!

Redheadedgammy 9 May 1

Enjoy being online again!

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It is about time.


I smoked just about everyday for the 2nd half of my senior year, that was 1971. It never led me to harder stuff and frankly having dealt with alcoholics booze is way worse than weed.

Some of my worst experiences whether in the band or in relationships involved others having a problem with alcohol. Out of all the drugs we did back in the day, alcohol was definitely the worst. The last time l got drunk at a gig was in the late 70s. We taped that night. I thought l had played my ass off. I was so embarrassed at what l heard l swore l would never get drunk at a gig again and haven't.

@Sticks48 One of my last experiences with getting druck was also in the late 70s. The span between nice buzz and blowin' chunks is very short, so what started out as a nice dinner ended badly with my friend really sorry for getting me drunk. I am pretty funny by nature, crackin' wise and fun repartee - he thought I'd be even funnier and wittier drunk. Sorry, no I am not. lol
After that the only other time I ended up on my knees before the porcelain fixture was in late 1999 and it was from from sake'. It totally sneaks up you! Some friends were visiting, nice evening, fun visit and I did not even feel very high until after they had left and I laid down - but not for long lol.
The other thing about it for me was the fact I can not drive if I have alcohol but my road trips up and down the whole east coast were fueled not just by gasoline. Great times great weed!


Well I sure hope they release the people who are still serving 40 year sentences for smoking or possessing weed.

I absolutely agree. 👍


It's baby steps but in a world that seems to be going backwards, it's moving in the right direction!

I agree, Baby steps in the right direction are better than no steps in this country at present. 😉


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@Lauren Less interest to me. I gave it up in 1999.It then became legal in Canada,So all the time I smoked it was illegal but BC is the California of Canada, It really was not a big deal 50 years ago.

@rogerbenham How cool and well-timed! Aside from the health benefits, it annoys me that it's used here as a tool of oppression, as a way to incarcerate or punish people, and that ruins lives. I think it's barbaric that something so benign is used this way but hopefully I'll see that change.

@Lauren Well the Mary Jane of 1974, although slightly halucegenic was a far cry fro the crazy strong stuff that they have today. Despite that I remember my first joint had effects I could feel for a week. I did it again though nI felt a bit negative to it. But hooked on. For 25 years I did it, mostly home grown and very week I only paid for it the first couple of years. People gave it to me. The last ten years iha it rarely but the friends from don outh gave me some and it was becoming way too strong for me. half hour stuttering,half hour stoned, several hours headache. I did not enjoy it yet still I'd smoke when offered. My friends went back South. I thought about it and quit.Very easy to quit. My wife went on accepting puffs and cigarettes but never buying and I wonder if those very occasionals determined her dying of lung cancer.
In the States black people are jailed for MJ. That is pure racism. I'd bet half your presidents have indulged. Half the white people at some point.

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