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A right-wing project called Project 2025 is underway to eliminate the Constitutional democracy of the United States, and replace it with with an autocratic plan giving the President absolute power over the Executive Branch and removing thousands of what it calls "deep state" government workers, replacing them with political loyalists. Bottom line: Project 2025 turns the U.S. into a dictatorship. The majority of supporters of this plan are also supporters of Donald Trump.


The plan proposes slashing Department of Justice (DOJ) funding, dismantling the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security, gutting environmental and climate change regulations to favor fossil fuel production, and eliminating the cabinet Departments of Education and Commerce. The government would explicitly reject abortion as health care.

mischl 8 May 2

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This is terrifying.


2025: Welcome to North Venezuela! Be sure to check in with your local branch of drug smugglers.

You insult Venezuela.
The real Venezuelans unlike your N. Venezuelans are housed & medically cared for.


This Project 2025 is better organized than the wealthy few who, during the 1930’s depression, wanted to hire the retired marine General Smedly Butler to organize the WW1 “Bonus Army” to overthrow the Franklin D. Roosevelt government.

Have you read of the few men at the 1787 Federal Convention (aka the Constitutional Convention), Alexander Hamilton and James Madison among them, who wanted a government that would favor them and their associates? Many of them were land speculators who wanted to acquire and then sell the Western Lands that the British were saving for native Americans.

It’s now our turn to defend the oligarchy the Founders gave us and, I hope, to make it more small-d democratic than it is,


The Evangelicals and other Trump supporters don't care. They want that all to happen. Tell me again how they see themselves as patriots and Americans. Oh, and that their Christianity makes it all OK.


Project 2025 would also eviscerate the First Amendment, nationalize Christianity, remove legal protections for LGBT+ people, and be an all out social war on the left. Basically it would be the end of this country as we know it.

IMO, it will be a temporary suspension of the country as we know it.

After a century or two of fascism, another generation of American progressives will rebel and make a democracy that will be better than the oligarchy the Founders made for themselves. Of course there will be bloodshed.

@yvilletom I fear you may be right...EXACTLY right.

@yvilletom If we let the disease progress, it will be far harder to cure. Preserving constitutional government is already going to be an arduous job over the next decade or so, and I really don't like to think of everything that will be involved. Real Defendant Trump is running against the rule of law and the MAGA SCOTUS majority is ready to gut the rule of law. The hearing on Real Defendant Trump's immunity claims telegraphed loud and clear what danger we face.

@alliwant I don’t want to preserve a constitutional oligarchy.

I want a constitutional democracy. To see what one looks like, you’ll find the South African constitution on the web. It’s almost 200 years newer and more progressive than the 1787 U. S. constitution.

@yvilletom There is no way we will survive a century or two of the kind of reckless pillage Real Defendant Trump and his cronies will unleash. We have to head this off, the status quo is imperfect but vastly preferable to that reign of terror. Prevention is immensely better than remediation. Use climate change as an analogy; if we jerk around another century, the cost to recover will be several times world GDP. Paying a small percentage for prevention is far better than the obviously impossible.

i don’t share your negativity.

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