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BREAKING: Full-time Ukraine War-Monger Chrystia Freeland claims the majority of Canadians who don't support funding for Ukraine's unwinnable war against Russia, are NOT REAL CANADIANS.
this ugly bitch's family has been here half as log as our family building canada, her family is tearing the country apart!!!

Jaco Writes: Ukraine started the war by harassing & attacking Eastern Ukrainian Russian civilians in many different ways, the minute Porochenko aka the USA's "man in Ukraine" was installed by Obama's CIA ...right after HIS coup in Ukraine in 2014. a close metaphor for the way they had installed "Pinochet in CHILI" same old thing, same script.
They are sh!t disturbers, they replace the good politicians with corrupt one's that are easier to "deal with" than honest politicians...and Do not think they haven't done the same thing in this country...We only get to vote for THE politicians they've selected for us....The Leaders of the parties are controlled by the globalists...EX-CIA Chief Brennan is a communist. WE are experiencing a communist coup around the world.

1patriot 7 May 5

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