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New US Antisemitism Law Turns Critics Against Israeli Genocide Into Criminals
Having found this article via Paul Craig Roberts, I’m doing what I can to spread Mr. Hagopian’s article far and wide. I’m working on my own article on the recent so-called “inexplicable, virulant, and atrocious antisemitic outbursts” (well.. words to that effect in the lying whore media) in American and Canadian Universities — and government reactions thereto — but this beat me to it and alas, probably says it better than I could.

1patriot 7 May 7

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Not that I care, but this law means if you say Jews killed Jesus, which the Goat Herder's guide to the galaxy states, you may be charged with being anti semitic.
The irony being of course that "semitic" refers to language groups and that Palestinians are far more semitic than European heritage Israeli's.
Feel free to confirm what I said about "semitic"

puff Level 8 May 7, 2024

The ADL Anti defamation League have charged people every since WW2 for any one that spoke out. So they are now hard at it as much truth is coming out about the zionist Jew

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