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Stay off the Boeings people!! 🤠

Aaron70 7 May 9

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If it's Boeing, I ain't going!!!!


An unapologetic liberal woman from Ga…….You’re like a fish outta water in those parts aren’t ya?!!🤨

My deceased ex wife was from Gray Ga. We would visit the area regularly when our two kids were youngens.
If I said I liked Ga, I’d be lying…..👀

@Aaron70 I'm in the Atlanta suburbs so it's not bad here.

@Emerald Atlanta, the blue state hiding in the middle of Ga, lol…..😂


Plane whistle blowers make a warning noise
Underneath their blankets, go all the girls and boys
Rocking, rolling, riding out to all dismay
All aboard eternity, going miles away
Pilot at the engine, fireman rings the bell
Sand man swings the lantern to show that all is hell
Rocking, rolling, riding none survive the day
All aboard eternity, boeing smiles away

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