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Solar storm....

Lilac-JadeCanada 9 May 11

Enjoy being online again!

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We’re seeing it in the Southern Hemisphere too, the Aurora is extending far North to where I live.

The electricity network is on a National power grid emergency setting because of the solar storm. Just when we needed the juice to cope with a polar jet stream blasting cold air over the country…..

I hope that your weather is a lot warmer 🤣

And happy Mother’s Day too.

I got my Mum some kiwi chocolate with a tropical twist:

Yes, it's certainly huge! We've shot up from next to freezing temps to 30C the last couple of days, it's very uncomfortable. I hate heat anyway, but this sudden change is awful! My son will be here tomorrow & we've get my a/c set up.
Thanks, but it's just another day for me.

@Lilac-JadeCanada Wow, that’s a sudden jump in temperature! I don’t like it too hot either.

Hopefully you got the air con set up ok.

@Zealandia Yes, set up is easy, & son will do it today.

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