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Islam Christianity

snytiger6 9 May 16

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Both are exactly the same bullshit.


So why is the nutter on the right not holding an AK-47??!🀨

Aside from the skulls, the crucifix tends to imply the christians are less violent. Which of course they aren’t….πŸ˜’

@Aaron70 If you consider that Islam is about 600 years younger than Christianity, and look at what Christianity was doing 600 years ago, they are not all that different at all.

The cartoon depictions may imply Christianity is more enlightened, today, but it is only just a cartoon.

Of course they are no different, that was my point!?πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


Their is a third skull foundation missing from the cartoon. . . The third being topped by a rabbi & labelled Judaism.


Pretty damn accurate.

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