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Two psychopaths. The biggest psycho being Morrison hands down.

puff 8 May 16

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Birds of a feather, do flock together.

Look at the twat here, these people just lost all in bushfires and he is after the "caring PM photo op". Absolutely zero empathy and inability to read peoples moods, a sign of a psycho.

@puff Why would you forcibly take someone's hand to shake it, if it is not offered ?

@Fernapple Totally self absorbed, enjoying his day out amongst the peasants as PM. With no empathy, he has no ability to understand what losing all is like, unless it happens to him personally. So he wandered in assuming it would be the same as all outings eg shake hands, smile and kiss babies. Totally unfeeling.

There was a case a staffer claimed rape by another in parliament. He was defending the man, senior position, and a total callous cunt in his response to the news. The next day, a changed man and much more feeling but he admitted why. Apparently his wife said to him "Imagine if it was our daughter" and explained how it would affect the rest of her career, her life etc. So you can explain and they will get it as long as they can directly relate it to themselves, they just have no inclining to do that mental exercise naturally. Anyway he was back to psycho normal a coupla days later as their emotional memories are non existent.

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