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4 fixes for snoring.

Jolanta 9 May 17

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When I was married if I snored my ex would smack the bed beside me to wake me up and make me stop snoring. It got so when I started to snore I'd wake myself up. I slept so much better post divorce. 15 years later, I have sleep apnea. I started CPAP about 3 months ago. I often wonder if I had it then and he just didn't know the difference. BUT, the sleep apnea was noticed at my last colonoscopy, so maybe not. I had previous colonoscopies and other procedures when I've been under anesthesia and nothing was noted. My first ex husband had sleep apnea, but that was before we knew what sleep apnea was. He was 27, I was 20. I learned about cpap and sleep apnea about 3 years after we divorced. CPAP was developed in the late 70 by an Australian scientist trying to help his pug dogs breathe better.

How many ex husbands do you have?

@Jolanta 2. One marriage lasted less than two years no kids. The second lasted 25 years with three kids.

@HippieChick58 If at first you don't succeed!

@PaddyO I gave it a good shot, but we changed in different ways and it no longer worked. I don't know if I would try it again, but ya just never know.

@HippieChick58 I don’t think I would want to get married ever again. Being single suits me just fine.


Ear plugs are generally more effective as an aid to the bed-partner, rather than the snorer.

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