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Lol at climate scientist B.S...ditto.

1patriot 8 May 18

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Just avoid procreation. It need not be a "You first" situation. Something like 98% of scientists agree climet change is real and that Human activity is making it worse. How do we have less human activity? Less Humans. Seems obvious. I'm glad he had the guts to say it.

98% percent of scientist will say any thing those that pay them if you fallen for the lie you will fall for any thing! there is no climate emergency never has been and most likely never will be! unless they keep spraying you with shit for the airplanes like they have in Canada and USA

@1patriot 8 Billion + people More than theres ever been. Its just math. You think its a big conspiracy. All the scientists and people who study climatology are in on it. Your just another quack.

@nowhereman55 yes how many times have left the state of New york. how do you know there's 8 billion people. your just another dead sheep did you get the jab....i am sure you did BA, BA

@nowhereman55 so keep living like a sheep, as your no where man!

@1patriot So patriot. Is the world round or flat?

@nowhereman55 it goes round and round

How many humans did it take to melt the ice caps that covered the northern half of the US a couple million years ago? OH WAIT!!! Never mind. 🙄[]

@captfeelgood yes and 400,000years ago they were humans and the temp on this planet was 3-4 degrees warmer than it is today!


Stayin alive, stayin alive, ah ha ha ha stayin alive get your, disco shoes on I love this song by the Bee Gees., I think It's all the pollution, carbon monoxide, from cars factories, that type of thing causing global warming. and the earth has gone through climate changes on It's own throughout history, like the ice age.

CO2 produced from vehicle exhaust is CO2, mankind is responsible for 6% per year. the largest producer of CO2 is the oceans, followed by volcano's than followed by the seasons all dead planet life every year. we have no climate emergency, that's created by the rich people to control the population of people they will call everything for the good of earth you can not use rain water to water your garden. be careful what you wish for...

Fossil fuels, are biggest contributor to global warming oil gas coal livestock, cutting down forests, generating power ,manufacturing goods, transportation, that's true volcanoes can cause that and oceans and natural phenomena but not as much as mankind, I don't agree with Bill McGuire he sounds like genecide is the answer, they should come up with some idea to slow global warming, lets ,get to the chalk board guys and try to figure this out


Well……none of this really matters anyway, most major world economies and nations have rapidly declining birth rates which, eventually, over time will either lead to humans becoming either completely extinct or very greatly diminished in the coming decades.

and would not be because of will be because of eugenic and those who are carrying out the depopulation program.

Declining birthrates IS the depopulation going on, not just here in the US, but in many major countries as well.

That would be great! Humans getting put of the wayfor something better to come along

@nowhereman55 I highly doubt anything better.

@Human arrogance!

@CuddyCruiser, @1patriot Who told you that? Bigfoot?

@nowhereman55 you still trying to figure out if the world is round or flat....LOL
try reading on ice cores! the only way to measure the weather in the past!

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