My partner (from a Moslem country) asked this of her 2nd graders: “Which is more important, people or dirt”? Of 29 students only 2 got it right and they were both exchange students. The bottom line nothing can ever be more important than that which sustains one. Try telling that to the religious group. I see the biggest problem befalling this planet is anthropocentrism; it affects not just our species but many, many others (we are in the Anthropocene an era of the sixth greatest extinction caused by simple hubris). One thing I was told over and over in parochial school the greatest virtue is humility! What happened to that idea?
I went to a state funded school and humility was not taught. I think most people believe that we are the most important things in the universe, especially in religion. In religion, no other life forms exist on other planets, We are the center of the universe. It's much like the ethnocentric, or nationalistic view people have. We have been condition to believe we are the best country above all others. I grew up on a farm and agree with dirt being most important. I also think water should be combined. We have already damage that nature resource. We can't eat a lot fish because it's polluted with mercury. When will we learn?
Galileo was excommunicated because he saw that the earth was not the center of the universe. I think the real issue was that certain two-legged creatures on that planet were not the center. It took 300 years for the church to lift the excommunication (and they probably did it reluctantly).
They got the idea that they could shove their crap down everyone’s throat-post ww2
YES!!!! That’s why this planet is in the condition it’s in now.
As the immortal George Carlin once put it (I'm paraphrasing), one of these days, the Earth is going to shake us all off like a bad case of fleas. Humans need the Earth, not the other way around.
I don't know why people can't see this. We are going to trash our planet until it's unlivable, and like you said, after we're gone the Earth will heal itself and some new species will take over.