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"ICC prosecutor Karim AA Khan KC has made applications for the arrest warrants, claiming he has reasonable grounds to believe Mr Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant bear responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Israel-Gaza war."

Forget the war crimes for a moment
Understand if convicted for Crimes against humanity, then those that directly enable these types of crimes will be called to answer as well.
Trump may be getting indicted domestically, but Genocide Joe won't "No-body fucks with a Biden" his way out of this one as easily.


puff 8 May 20

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I don't know how anyone can look at what remains of Gaza and not think weapons of mass destruction were not used. If someone has a specific body count to qualify as a weapon of mass destruction I guess I am unfamiliar with the number. It appears that nearly the entire area is rubble. In my mind any bomb that will destroy a large building is a weapon of mass destruction.
Killing in excess of 30,000 people is mass destruction. The arm of hatred apparently has a very long reach.

Your definition of WMD is not the usual or legal term for a WMD. By your logic everyone uses them in war. Gaza has just been bombed, not nuked or chemicly bombed.

@Tejas Death by a thousand cuts, is still death. The Israel's sadly are repeating nearly the same shit they were dealt in WWII. I have no sympathy for the fools on either side, only the innocent in both sides.

@PaddyO you can have your opinions on what you think of Israel. But to say they are committing genocide is objectively false. You are likely buying into all the pro Palestine propaganda.

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