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I’m partly responsible for this bankruptcy…😇

Aaron70 8 May 20

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What were they thinking?!?

Honestly that shrimp special shouldn’t have done them in. They had bigger issues is my guess…..🤷🏻♂️

Anytime I had the special, I never even ordered extra shrimp after the first plate, true story…..

Of course I always filled up on those effin cheddar biscuits!!!?😒

@Aaron70 Those damned things are good, and that's the point -to fill you up on something cheap. That ship has sailed for me, I'm afraid. No more saturated fat goodies. :'(

@Aaron70 Ah, the cholesterol special! I wouldn't eat much shrimp. For me, it's crab legs! I'm guessing they're bad for us, too, and the butter...!

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