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So someone shamed me for not believing. Basically I mentioned that a person who had a gift from God wasn’t automatically a great artist but put in a lot of effort and practice to get that good. Apparently that’s a bad thing to say! Sometimes, I think I’ll never understand Christians.

Punch 4 May 7

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They day I start understanding Christians is the day I realize I've stopped thinking.


People often give credit for talents too God.
People are born with some talent it's knowing what your talent is and practicing and studying it
Mark Twain is considered one of America's greatest writers. He wasn't religious basically an atheist.


they shamed themselves for being so foolish


no, they are some fucked up humans. no god helped me with my art.

Beautiful work! I used to be very much an artist. I’ve thought of doing watercolors again. Have the supplies. But haven’t the “push” to do so.

@PunchI have drawn for a while now ie about a year because I haven't felt like it and lack the push. I really wanted to help save animals with my art by drawing, selling and giving a large percentage to wildlife causes. I have succeeded a few times till people meet me and judge me for what I look like which really pisses me off. if my art is good enough as I believe it is it shouldn't matter how I look at all and being self-taught should help me. thank you by the way.


Sorry I wasn't there! I'd have stood with you. Tell people like YoYo Ma about ''gifts from god,'' when he's spent literally YEARS in practice and study. You can ''understand'' Xtians if you just realize they're mentally CHILDLIKE and love MAGIC and want YOU to love it, too. Smile gently, nod your head and CHANGE THE SUBJECT!


We understand Christians better than they understand us. And never feel ashamed for not believing the nonsense. You're the sensible one!

Deb57 Level 8 May 7, 2018
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