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I don't always criticize the greed of the wealthy ...

snytiger6 9 May 21

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They always do, I've seen it. Because deep down, they still have delusions that either they or their kids, will someday become rich. Fucking stupid wannabees, all of them..

Yeah, they believe they can get rich through "hard work". However virtually every family of wealth got their riches through the intentional exploitation of other people's labor, other people's ideas and other people's resources, and they also finance their exploitation(s) with other people's money whenever possible. Wealth, in all but perhaps a very few cases, isn't created by playing fair.

@snytiger6 That's why intellectually honest people, usually say, that behind each great fortune, there is usually at least one great crime. Of course, these crimes always go unpunished and unprosecuted, as well.

@TomMcGiverin Yeah, that is why I am in favor of very high inheritance taxes. Let the children of the rich "earn' their own fortunes, instead of benefiting from the crimes of their ancestors.

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