Canada and US building MASSIVE foreign armies
Governments are PAYING MIGRANTS to come to our countries and ENLIST!
[* First a note about the word “Government” “Government” is now New World Order, a bunch of psychopathic Satanic Pedophiles Hell Bent on Ruling Planet Earth. It’s not Trudeau or Biden. They are merely pawns installed by the few at the top of the pyramid to make it look like countries still have sovereignty. Like citizens votes still matter. In reality these pawns have all been vetted and indoctrinated by the Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum. Here is Queen Justin TRUE DOUGH’s page on their website. (Sophie TrueDOUGH Justin’s EX wife. She knew he was a gay pedophile all those years but she liked the money. Now she bailed because she’s rich enough. She too was indoctrinated by Schwab & Co.) Here is Christine FREE Lands page on their website. He/she is 2nd in command of Canada.
You are over the top with this silliness. It's true that Canada is taking in more migrants than any country in the world and we should all be worried as our culture is being fragmented as never before. This is why populism is growing. Unfortunately its getting a bad name because government and certainly news media are bent on shallow reporting and never delving deeper into the concerns - rather they take the lazy way out and call us whites every name under the sun from racist, to colonist, slave owners etc ...Douglas Murray's book 'The War on the West' is hugely important and he has many YouTube videos that you might want to watch. He and Konstantyn Siskin are truly the rational voices of today. The bottom line is we need to close the door on migration. period.
have you seen the line ups at the canadian border single men with no family's. our government is trying to kill us. Hear some of this jaw dropping scandal that has caused huge embarrassment for mainstream news/Alberta Health/WEF goons/ and the law courts. You do not want to miss this story...For movie dates and locations in Canada (and a few American locations) go to [] and for those that I know will ask me: [] OR for other countries.
Huge Scandal Outing AHS/Health Canada/MSM Corruption/Lies In This New Movie Documentary TOUR. it will be available in July. thank you for your post. Trudeau is trying to hide from the Robert Picton story too as he was very close to all that was going on there he live 1 mile away.
and i am down the road from you at the hat! is Canada's social media!