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Good morning! I'll go and hang the American Flag outside on my porch. It is Memorial Day. I used to hang both the American and the German flag ,always posting the Red White and Blue one higher than the Schwarz Rot Gold one. After living here for fifty years and observing the non-existing flag ceremonies of my neighbors. I am usually the ONLY one to fly a flag ( American, German or Klingon on this auspicious day.
Now I make it my job to wave at people driving by and smiling at them.
Happy Flag Day!

Spinliesel 9 May 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Flag day is June 14th. I appreciate you putting out a flag on any holidays. Memorial day is for all the fallen, especially the military fallen. Sadly I knew many soldiers so badly damaged by the Vietnam and other wars, they just took a long time to die. War is a horrible way for countries to resolve differences.

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