5 5 What about a bumper sticker! to go with tee shirts?/ I would like that too. Maybe have Agnostic with legs like a black cat eating the christian fish symbol??

Stevil 8 Dec 10

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I almost made a bumper sticker a few years back when 24 was on TV. I would say WWJD. There would be a picture of Keffer Sutherland. What would Jack Do!

I always liked WWJD = What would Judas do?


The fish said that... it wasn't me. I've been toying around with this image as a symbol for, "Imagine peace."


"How uncivilized."


Sounds like something I could put on my laptop. A smaller version for handheld devices would be cool, too. 😀


Great ideas!

Admin Level 9 Dec 10, 2017
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