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All my conspiracy theories have come true.

Castlepaloma 8 May 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Scroll down slightly to the original and Learn something maybe?
Oh, it's you Castle....nevermind!

My company is called :Castle-without the- Hassle:. Build tiny house communities and urban farming gardens. The first and third most important health and expensive in most peoples lives.

Anne what do you do that's either productive, original, practical or a service to society in any way?

I can't find a better leader for me than myself.
There is far too many overcrowded sheep that will follow the greedy organization anywhere their tell you to go. On top of that, everyone conspires, especially centro bankers and Governments. I can see the writing on the wall, like most people, North America collapses.

No worries, it's not the end.

@Castlepaloma I do not find it necessary to brag, unlike some.......and my house from the early 40's is actually a pretty tiny house, Built with real 2x4's and no pressboard and did not require extensive manufacturing debris to create, to mention just one thing where you have misplaced pride.


One time I was an over achiever. Who hired thousands of people and had millonaire and billionaire partners. I gave up being a toy for the wealthy. And gave up all promoting of unhealthy sponsorships. I want to protect the integrity of my own healthy and affortable produces .

Wouldn't need to brag about my work, it speaks for itself. Don't care for overly envious or jealous people who keep downing a person's well being and their dreams.

@Castlepaloma You, brag? Except constantly?


Sometimes things make you wonder.

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