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A recent 2 ½ page spread in the Seattle Times covered my county (San Juan Island) for being one, if not the first to enact a new law. According to the paper and news reports it seems to be working. I wonder how many of those still working would feel about this? []

pedigojr 7 May 27

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I thought it might have something to do with commuting by ferry. Those of us who are self employed, or working jobs that require a body to be present for x amount of hours, wouldn't be affected by the idea of more productivity in a shorter period of time, but I can see the benefit for employees and employers who can entice more focus on work during a shorter amount of time, for the trade-off of having a whole extra day free to concentrate on other things.

It will be interesting to see the reaction of employees and employers after more months of implementing the idea to see if it still holds true.

So far most say it has been a good thing. Also, the county is having an easier time recruiting new workers. The crashing ferry system is old news. I returned from Bellingham, yesterday (I go often to do some shopping and get away - I like to drive along Chuckanut drive). As usual, I sign up for the 6:00 pm ferry but get there early and often am able to get on the ferry at 4:30. So far so good.

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