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Today started out really well. I slept in until around 5:15 am. Since my antiviral is to be taken around 9-10 pm, I get to sleep in longer. It is my day off. Yesterday I told my assistant manager my phone will be off all day. It wasn't, but so far no one has messaged me to come in and work. I only have 2 days off this week anyway. I needed today to mentally prepare for my work week. I don't want to jump into it stressed out over little things that I overthink about.

I had the blood draw for the HIV testing at 8 am, and I really hope I don't have HIV. I haven't noticed any of the symptoms of it though. I got home around 9:30 am. I just went through the feed on here and left some comments. At 12:30 pm, I will go and get my glasses adjusted, because it is hurting behind my left ear. Then I will go to Wal-Mart to get my coffee grounds. I wanted to get the one with a lot of caffeine, so I can stop buying energy drinks. I also might get another creamer, because I was disappointed in the almond roca one that I had.

I now am able to see how important it is for me to take my days off. I need time to relax. My next day off is on Saturday. On Saturday I will go to the gym and workout. It has been a while. I'm happy now. I don't think I will need to see a therapist until I get into college.

I am about to go and restart my "Sims 3" 3DS game. I just bought it and started it 2 days ago, and and I didn't undertand the buttons. I just wasted $2,000 in the game and now I can't pay my bills. Lol. Apparently I forgot to install my bed so my Sim could sleep. I thought she was dying so I called for an ambulance to come and revive her. I got billed $500 for a fake call. Oops. I called twice. Lol. I'll restart my game. Haha.

Well, actually it is my lunch time. It says on the menu, "Korean meat." I asked if we were eating dog? She said it was beef with Korean sauce. Phew! If it was, I would save some for my boss and ask her to try it. She's so scared of Asian meat because she thinks it is cat or dog. She won't even try any of my Asian foods/treats. She is Panamanian btw. Oh well. I LOVE Asian food! Yummy! I'm ravenous right now so, chow!

Sarahroo29 8 May 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Veterinary medicine has come such a long way hasn't it.

Yes it has.


Munch well! Ciao!

It was good.


Try not to stress over the HIV; it’s very unlikely you got it from one contact. When working as an RN, I experienced two different accidental needle sticks; both patients had full AIDS. I never tested positive. It’s not as contagious as most other STD’s.
Enjoy your day off, especially your Asian food!



Bon apetit

I'm hungry again.

1! how was date?

What date?

@Sarahroo29 thought you had a date with a cutie from

@Charlene He gave me herpes.

@Charlene We ended quickly.

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