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I was debating whether to post this in just for laughs as it literally made me lol.
US removing wharf from Gaza because it is sinking

puff 8 May 28

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In WW2 on DDay we installed a harbor, under fire, in ONE DAY. How the mighty have fallen.

It really was a joke from the start, virtue signaling. The easiest way to deliver aid to Gaza is through land routes but it seems Biden/ Kirby were too scared the IDF may open fire on them ala USS Liberty. I suspect the floating wharf had a lot to do with the oil fields discovered off the Gaza coast ie Palestinian economic zone.

I think our nations are both living off our reputations eg Australians were very good soldiers, even Viet Nam times, but I very much doubt both the state of our military organisation/ training/ experience nor the current generation psyche would be able to maintain those standards.

@puff I too think the myth of American military prowess is just that, a myth. We won WW2 because we had ten factories building weapons for every one the Axis had. Plus the Russians were willing to spill the blood to beat back Hitler. But we came out of it thinking we were invincible, and the war profiteers and generals have worked hard to keep that up since. With Hollywood's enthusiastic backing. I don't think America's next big war is going to go very well, but we seem to be sleepwalking into it.

@Druvius Unfortunately I totally agree with you. Eisenhower did warn us all. Too many people forget Russian/ USSR forces were the major factor for the NAZI's defeat because they overextended by invading the, at that time, USSR. Lessons to be learnt there.
Quite bizarre VE celebrations nowadays in Europe tend to ignore the Russian contribution in that war.
Amazing there seems to be zero diplomacy between adversaries now. All conflicts end in negotiation, even total surrender is negotiated.


Blood makes poor mortar..


The sea has a right to defend itself.


Nature will get them.


Worked as intended. war profiteers made a giant pile of money. And Biden can pretend he gives a sheet about the Palestinians.

You would reckon you could build a real pier for that money with change. Funny as but there is a serious side. Look at this footage. There are American boots on the ground in Gaza next to a new IDF military base in Gaza, an undeniable legitimate target for Palestinian resistance. I posted a quote from Biden recently where he bragged the US was the "indispensable nation" and "World's only super power". If genocide Joe was correct, the world is in a whole lot of shit pmsl. Luckily, Biden was dreaming of glories past.

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