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This is the company rfk jr said bankrupted over 65000 pork farmers by operating at a loss for years so they couldn't match prices.
Then, after getting the dominant producer advantage, they sold the company to the Chinese.
Tyson Foods is one of the world’s biggest meat and poultry producers. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, it’s also a major polluter in the United States. A new report from the group says Tyson plants dumped more than 371 million pounds of pollutants into U.S. waterways between 2018 and 2022. John Yang speaks with UCS research director Stacy Woods about the report’s findings.

1patriot 8 May 29

Enjoy being online again!

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A new Netflix video is titled "You are what you eat" highlights the problems with raising pork (Chinese ownership was mentioned). This issue is so much more pernicious than you can imagine. It's not just the pork industry but all animal products, chicken, beef and dairy and the issue with fish will make you cringe. This is a must see video. It's not just about scary information but also very entertaining and even sexy in some parts. It's done by a Stanford University study using 21 sets of twins.

thank you! many ranchers and farms raise there own and sell into the market what happens after that is any ones guess. i buy from the small rancher/farmer and butch and cut it up myself. the last 15 years it's only been wild meat i eat.


Well you now learn what the rest of the world has long known about US practice & ethics.

Have you ever heard of Cambodia, Vietnam & agent orange? Ditto, Laos, Afghanistan, Iraq, and land mines & depleted uranium? The whole world infected by COVID-19 & mRNA contaminated vaccines? Some 70+ democracies overthrown because you fuckwits don't think the overthrown governments would kowtow sufficiently to your hegemonic piracy?


Tyson uses state prison workers in it's chicken processing plants in Maryland. Boycotting them since mid nineties, along with nasty McDonalds

yes i been buying direct from the rancher and butchering it my self.

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