Splintering Babylon: Interview with Alexandra Bruce and James Grundvig
Kerry Cassidy had James Grundvig and me on her show last Tuesday to talk about our new documentary film project, 'Splintering Babylon: The Plan. Revelation. The Path to Freedom', which is about how COVID PSYOP inadvertently revealed the hidden history of the past 80 years: That the United States did not win World War II; instead, occult Nazis founded the major postwar global organizations, including NATO, the United Nations, and its many evil agencies, like the IMF and the World Health Organization and they had just now deployed their long-planned "Final Solution" for the human species.
For me, during this interview, I wanted to underscore the point that, according to this mystery document, the Black Nobility, "Create and run religions and secret societies. They also finance and organize organized crime syndicates as if they were commercial enterprises."