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When will Republicans grow a spine?
We have seen Trump fall deeper and deeper into the mire (and he still has pending cases). Yet the GOP has continued to double down throwing good money after bad until as we speak, their leading candidate for POTUS is a convicted felon. Let us put this in perspective, the guy cannot now own a gun or even vote for himself. Yet this is the man they want to be commander in chief!
It is not like he has such a spectacular election record. Yes, he did win in 2016 but that was against one of the worst candidates in US history and even then he lost the popular vote and as the recent court case has proven, he had to cheat to achieve that! He lost the midterms in 2018, the election in 2020 and what should have been the big red wave in 2022 was a shit show.
Meanwhile, the MAGA wing of the party has turned Congress into a joke.
A long long time ago. a young senator called Joe Biden ripped off a speech given by the UK Labour leader Neil Kinnock that contained the phrase "I refuse to play politics with people's lives". It dealt with an extremist faction of his party called militant tendency. They were disproportionally influencing the party, mostly unelectable, supported by Moscow and extremely vocal, (sound familiar?) Kinnock was trying to rescue his party from severe threats. A few years before several prominent moderate members had left to form their own breakaway party, the SDLP and this was his attempt to wrestle the party back. The GOP is now ripe for a similar breakaway party! It already has outside factions like the Lincoln Project and it is only a matter of time before this happens should the GOP continue on its course.
Okay, that was then, this is now but look at how the UK Conservatives ditched Bojo when he became a political liability. His major "crime" was having a party during lockdown, Yet that was enough for him to be left out on the ice. Are UK Conservatives any more honourable than their US equivalents? No, not really but they are more pragmatic. They knew that to continue down this path was political suicide. It is long since the time that the GOP did the same.

273kelvin 8 June 1

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If we don’t get rid of that idiot Biden this country is going to be destroyed! Hopefully Trump will win in November as the American people are getting sick of Biden’s weaponizing of the Justice dept and Trump is raising enormous amounts of money.

Okay, I hear all the time about Biden "weaponising" the justice system, so can you answer a few questions?
Did the DOJ or NY DA prosecute Trump for election fraud?
Did what he was charged with and convicted of constitute a crime?
Did he do it? ie. Did the money Cohen was paid come directly from Trump?
If the judge was so biased, can you point to any rulings that show this?
If the jury was so anti-Trump can you explain the unanimous verdict, given that jury member 2 only got his news from Truth Social?

Oh and I think you should re-examine the figures

Ah, I thought so. Is this what we have to look forward to from yet another 4 years of Trump? Just endless unsubstantiated Faux Gnus soundbites and no answers? Good luck with that, having a POTUS as capable as your Republican Congress.

@273kelvin Bragg ran for election on the grounds he was going to get Trump. The judge was a Democrat contributer and his daughter worked for the DNC. The jurors were picked from an area where 85% of them voted for Biden. If that doesn’t throw up a red flag I don’t know what would!!

@Trajan61 "Bragg ran for election on the grounds he was going to get Trump." And... Giuliani ran for NY DA on the platform of going after the 5 families and he used a new law (RICO) to get them. Was that wrong? If you know someone to have engaged in a criminal act and you run for DA on that premise, then it is up to the electors to vote you in or not.
Judges are allowed to support a party (just ask Judge Thomas). Again I ask you to point to one or more rulings that show bias.
A crime is tried in the district it took place and the jury is picked from that district. Dems da rules or do you think that Donald should have different rules? (Ask any black guy in jail if he got an all-black jury). If Trump wanted an all-red-hat jury, then he should have committed the crime in Tulsa or maybe Florida where he has his own poodle deliberating on the Mar-a-Lardo case. So even with 85% Biden catch pool. Trump gets 15% which is 1-2 jurors, which is what he got. Enough for a hung jury, yet the verdict was unanimous... Explain that?
Now can you please answer my questions rather than spewing out Faux Gnus soundbites, namely?

Did what he was charged with and convicted of constitute a crime?
Did he do it? ie. Did the money Cohen was paid come directly from Trump?

@273kelvin No it did not constitute a crime.

@Trajan61 Okay, if it was not a crime, please explain to me why the Trump justice system jailed Cohen and pulled his house arrest then had him in solitary for 54 days for the same "non-crime"?

@Trajan61 Mmm, no response? No soundbites? Hasn't Faux Gnus asked this question? Okay here is another. If Biden via Twitter and FaceBook is guilty of election interference regarding Hunter's laptop? (and the story was NOT buried coz I knew about it on this side of the pond. Faux Gnus covered it as did NewsMax etc.) Why isn't Trump guilty of burying not only the Stormy Daniels story but also the Karen McDougal affair?
Oh and BTW Brag did NOT campaign on "going after Trump". (It is a huge mistake to believe everything that Trump, Faux Gnus et al spew out. They have been constantly proved to be lying scumbags in court case after court case. Remember how they told you about Dominion voting machines?) When pushed on the matter he simply said "I will go where the facts take me"

@273kelvin How about Bill Clinton’s payoff of Jenefer Flowers? Wouldn’t that be considered election interference? Oops I guess it’s ok as long as the offender is a Democrat!🤪😜

@Trajan61 Yeah sure. I think he should have been Impeached.
Okay here is the point of my OP. Look at the situation as is. You have a leading POTUS candidate convicted of 34 felonies and facing 3+ more trials. The judge is due to sentence him on July 11th. Can he give him a custodial sentence, how will that impact Trump's ability to campaign? What if he delays the decision till after Nov 5th? What if Trump is elected, can you have a head of state in jail? What a total shit show for America! What an embarrassment!
Now you can blame Biden DOJ all you want but the GOP picked this twice-impeached, insurrectionist, a known fraudster and habitual liar as their candidate. These court cases were not a state secret. Everyone knew they were looming yet with very few exceptions, they all laid on their backs and peed like a submissive puppy. It is not like they don't know how bad he is. If you don't believe me guess who said this?
"If I was reversing my car and I saw Trump behind me. I am not sure which pedal I would push"
a) Nancy Pelosi
b) Robert DeNiro
c) Ted Cruz

@Trajan61 Whataboutism is too easy to resort to. It does not matter whether Bill Clinton should have been prosecuted. He was not and the statute of limitations has passed. Cohen was convicted of exactly the same crime as Trump. To have one rule for Cohen and another for Trump is hypocritical humbug of the lowest order.
What Republicans such as yourself have to ask yourselves is: a) What is the continuing support of Trump doing to America? and b) What is likely to happen to the GOP?
a) I have dealt with the shitshow embarrassment that a Trump conviction is doing to your country in my previous reply. Plus there are all of the revenge actions he has promised to take, should he regain office and we have all seen just how unsuccessful and destructive to decent government Congress has been recently.
b) It is really obvious to any outside observer that MAGA is not a winning ticket. Sure base supporters like yourself will remain loyal no matter what but you do not make up the majority of voters. Now you can try and fool yourself that Trump and his crowd will win in a landslide but results have not supported that notion. The huge amounts of new political donations you claim are NOT supported by the actual filled receipts by candidates (see re-examine your figures) and nobody in their right mind would try and claim that the majority of Americans really want a POTUS governing from cell-block-H. So let us assume hypothetically that your next head of state does not wear an ankle bracelet, Biden wins and the GOP does not purge itself of MAGA. With a likely incarcerated Trump, MAGA will continue to infect the GOP but without a leader worth having. Plus you have to deal with the residual effect of all of Trump's crimes. When Watergate happened, Ford was able to draw a line through the whole affair and move on. The result was only one term out of power. Imagine if Nixon had not resigned and had to be impeached? Now imagine if the GOP continued to support his actions into the 80s? What chance Reagan then? If that had happened, the chances are that many Republicans would have switched allegiances or formed a breakaway party and that is the real danger for the GOP now. In that case, it could take decades for the GOP to recover.
Now all of my speculations might be wrong and after one decent crop followed by 3 failures, you might be due one. But it is one helluva gamble to take with your country and your party. Especially considering the form of your horse.

@Trajan61 I will finish on these thoughts.
Biden is not doing well on his record. Even though I think it is good, the majority of the country disagrees. That said, the only chance he has of winning is against Trump. Almost any other Republican candidate would beat him hands-down... Agreed?
The prospect of a POTUS being a convicted felon would cause a constitutional crisis. (not my words but Trump in 2016 regarding Hillary)... Agreed?
So with both of those things taken into account. The very best thing that Trump can do for the nation and his party is withdraw from the race as he urged Hillary to do in 2016. But that would assume that he really does want to make America great again and not just serve his own interests

@273kelvin Biden is a terrible president, runaway inflation, a massive influx of illegals and skyrocketing national debt. Trump wasn’t my first choice as i wanted DeSantis but he was definitely a better president than Obama or Biden. No I don’t think Trump being made a felon by rabid democrats intent on destroying him is a problem as it’s nothing but a political witch hunt and if he wasn’t running for president he would have never been charged.

@Trajan61 Again I quote Trump in 2016 "Having a convicted felon as president will cause a constitutional crisis and be a disaster for the country"
Okay, let's put it another way.
Say you had a personal dispute with a neighbour? This guy hates your guts and vice versa. But some kind of settlement would have to be hammered out for you to save the family farm. The problem is that he will never sit around and negotiate with you in charge of the farm. You would hand over control of the farm to your family in order to save it, wouldn't you? Because some things are bigger than just one man yeah?
If as you describe, Biden is a disaster (I disagree but let's say he is). Surely any true patriot would do anything and everything within the law to avert another 4 years of this disaster. Up to and including falling on his sword and withdrawing in favour of a better candidate. As Trump himself urged Hillary to do in 2016.
Which again proves that Trump is willing to sacrifice the good of the country/party for his own personal ends. No candidate of any political persuasion with that attitude would ever get my vote.

@Trajan61 Okay let us leave Faux Gnus empty rhetoric and examine the facts of Bidens "disastrous" term.
"Runaway inflation"; You have not got runaway inflation. A train that is slowing down is NOT a runaway. Governments have only limited control over economics. These things are mostly prompted by market forces and inflation was a worldwide symptom of post-COVID. The UK got it, the EU got it, China got it, everyone got it. It was more infectious than COVID itself. That said, Biden has reduced inflation AND increased employment. (do you know of anyone who cannot now get a job?) The only administration of any country that has ever done this with the possible exception of Nazi Germany.
The USA is the top of G7 countries in terms of GDP.
The US stock market is at an all-time high (contrary to Trump's prediction)
Trump in just 4 years increased the US debt by 25%. With all of the acquired interest that entails. The increased debt that the Republican Congress were so reluctant to sign off on was incurred under Trump.
If the border is such a crisis. Why has the Republican Congress blocked any form of new measures to address the problem? Surely this a perfect time to put away party rivalry and have some form of bi-partisan negotiations. Instead, MTG and her ilk have been more intent on grabbing headlines by going after Fauci, Hunter etc. than doing the job you pay them for.

@273kelvin I’m a cattle rancher in Western Oklahoma where oil and gas is the largest employer and cattle ranching is a big business as well. Biden has repeatedly said he wants to phase out oil and gas and some in his party want to phase out or drastically reduce cattle ranching because of environmental concerns. I’m also a life member of the NRA and Biden has attacked the NRA and tried to restrict gun rights. 30 years ago the democrat party was a majority party in my county and the democrats held every county office. Today the Republican Party has the overwhelming majority and republicans hold every county office. Today a Democrat has virtually not chance of being elected to public office here in Custer county Ok. I can see no reason why I would support any Democrat for public office much less a senile idiot like Joe Biden.

@Trajan61 Well you must be very pleased that the USA is producing more oil than in its entire history under Biden.

@273kelvin It’s definitely not due to anything Biden has done as he’s restricting drilling on federal land and regulating it more elsewhere. A good portion of what we have here in Oklahoma is natural gas and it’s dirt cheap but Biden is restricting exports. Why in the hell would he do that when Europe wants to buy it?

@Trajan61 Look, I could google how many oil and gas permits Biden has actually given out but what's the point? Every time you get contradicted and your Faux Gnus rhetoric bs is supplanted by facts. You find something else or resort to whataboutism. A few comments ago you quite rightly expressed concern about the national debt. Then when I pointed out that it was in fact Trump who increased this debt by 25% and that the ceiling had to be raised because of HIS budgets, a strange silence on the subject ensued. Do you not see how this looks like some evangelical brushing off how the pastor screwed his 16-year-old babysitter?
It seems like your feelings don't care about facts.
Btw if Biden WAS exporting oil to Europe, I can guarantee that you would be on here whining about how Biden was responsible for higher gas prices. If Biden was guilty of a tiny, tiny fraction of all that Trump had done (race discrimination, bankruptcies, fraud (several times) sexual misconduct, abuse of office, (again several times) 35,000 lies, "suckers and losers" COVID mismanagement, increased debt, insurrection, failing to handle the changeover, betraying his VP, (and the Kurds) and being extremely cavalier with national security documents) You would be all over him like a rash. Yet Trump can do no wrong. Which begs the question, if he really did shoot someone on 5th Ave, would that still be okay with you?

@273kelvin You are the one who doesn’t seem to like facts. The radical greens are the ones in charge of the democrat party. Biden is not fossil fuel friendly and did pause LNG exports.

@Trajan61 I would have a lot fewer problems with the Dems if they were controlled by "radical greens". Climate change is real and the way forward is green energy (including the windmills that Trump hates) get over it. Any responsible government would invest in this technology. Or do you want to go back to using whale oil?
All of your "facts" are Faux Gnus rhetoric. When confronted with real facts you shut up (see Trump's national debt). And I ask you to bear in mind that these same sources told you that Dominion stole the 2020 election and then had to pay out 878 million bucks because they lied.

@273kelvin I have no problems with wind energy but what are you going to do when the winds not blowing? Both solar and wind are unreliable power sources. I think we should be building a lot more nuclear. I also like natural gas. Oils going to be around for a long time whether you like it or not. Overpopulation is the number one cause of global warming and the democrats open border is only making that worse. It doesn’t even make sense to try to be green when you are encouraging overpopulation.

@Trajan61 How can immigration be a cause of global overpopulation? Those folks were not suddenly born on the border. Oh and can you please tell me what legislation the Republican Congress has put forward to deal with the border crisis?
Nobody is expecting wind and solar to take over 100% from fossil fuels, at least not within the next 20 years. But every 1% from renewables is 1% less fossil and it is a work in progress.

@273kelvin The border crisis wasn’t a problem until Biden became president.

@273kelvin Yes imigration does cause overpopulation.

@Trajan61 "The border crisis wasn’t a problem until Biden became president." Oh, so Trump's "caravan" was a fabrication then? And there was absolutely no need to separate families at the border?
More uncomfortable facts;
The USA like all 1st world nations has a decreasing population. The average family has less than 2 children. Now I don't need to explain to you how if you are only getting less than 2 calves per cow, you are gonna need to buy some to maintain the herd size. Without immigration, all 1st world nations would struggle to maintain their tax and pension income because as people live longer, the strain on the system will increase. Now how much immigration and how that is made up should be a cause of debate. Again can you point to any debate the Republican Congress has had on this matter?

@Trajan61 Oh hang on wait a minute, there is no fucking way that the US has a border problem. Trump built a wall that solved it. It was a big beautiful wall that was complete, he said so, several times and he never lies does he?

@273kelvin Biden opened the border on day 1 of his administration. Yes we do have a border problem.

@Trajan61 Oh okay, Well here is fucking strange idea. Why doesn't Congress propose some kind of legislation to address the problem?
Oh hang on a minute, the Dems did but Trump stopped any form of bi-partisan negotiations because he preferred to point his finger at it than solve it.

@273kelvin It wasn’t a serious purposal and it was just an election year ploy.

@Trajan61 Yada, yada, yada, more excuses. So what did the Republican members propose instead? Or did they just refuse to work on the problem?

@273kelvin Kind of hard to get anything done with an idiot like Biden in office!

@Trajan61 Yeah, if only they could leave it to Jewish space laser MTG or "God speaks to me every day" Johnson.
Biden has been forging out bi-partisan deals since forever but he's the problem not the party that gave you Tupperville.

@Trajan61 Okay, while we are on the subject of Congress. Even your good self cannot be overjoyed with the less-than-stellar performance of the Reps in Congress. It took weeks to pick a speaker and he only lasted a bit longer than Liz Truss. To be replaced by some religious nutjob (now I've nothing against someone having a religion but it's the same as a dick. It's okay to have one, it's okay to be proud of it but don't ram it down my throat, don't display it in public and know that it makes shitty decisions) The fact is that your system is built for consensus politics, not division. (The UK system is different and has weaker checks and balances). Any new legislation has to pass through 3 branches of govt before it is law. The MAGA movement is all about division. Can you not see the problem here?


@273kelvin The only problem I see is the radical democrats!

@Trajan61 I hear so much about "radical Democrats". You guys have no universal healthcare, reasonable gun control, maternity leave, living wage, or paid childcare. It seems to me that the Democrats are about as radical as a shuffleboard team.
No, if you are looking for radicals, then look at MAGA. Love em or loath em one thing you cannot call them is conservative. They are the most radical thing that has happened to American politics since Lincoln and almost as divisive.


His felony conviction seems to be having the opposite effect with his hardcore supporters…they are doubling down on being more determined than ever to get him back into the White House. We can but live in hope that it will make more moderate or lukewarm Republicans reconsider where they place their votes….it won’t be a swing towards Biden but perhaps by even abstaining it could help reduce Trump’s support.

A lot of those giving money to Trump now are first time contributors. The American people are sick and tired of the democrat BS!

They might cross over to the RFK Jr. or Libertarian camp as well. Either way, a loss for Dump.

@Trajan61 So they want more Trump bs instead…interesting! What a wonderful choice!!

@Marionville Trump was a far better president than Biden or Obama!

@Trajan61 I think that others may disagree with you on that assessment. Your country seems to be divided almost 50/50…you need to elect a President who will be a unifying force and will unite the country not divide it further. Sadly there is no sign of that happening anytime in the foreseeable future…and choosing Trump as Republican nominee will in all likelihood have the opposite effect.

@Marionville Both Obama and Biden were big time dividers as they played the race card frequently.
Our best bet to unify the country is Trump.

@Trajan61 I really think that is so unlikely as to be delusional! Trump is, and already has been, more divisive than any other American political figure I can think of.

@Marionville You are quite delusional and out of touch with American politics but I understand as I see you are from England.

If you like Biden so much why don’t you take him as your Prime Minister! 😜🤪🤣😂

@Trajan61 Actually I’m not from England…but I take your point!

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