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Dune Part Two different way of seeing things. SPOILER ALERT

Last night I again screened (home theater) Dune Part Two.

This time an x co-worker, (she just got a better job) her hubby, and a couple of her Catholic priests/her friends attended.

As the narrative of Dune is heavy with political and religious overtones it was no surprise to find my view of the narrative and characters did not agree with the priests.

Whenever Chani failed to recognize Lady Jessica’s asserted authority, the priests would declare classic wife/daughter-in-law controversy.

That’s trivial but the ending scene where Chani left the great halls and is last shown using a thumper to leave the masses after Paul negotiated becoming emperor by agreeing to marry the emperor’s daughter caused both priest to loudly and repeatedly (defensively?) declared Chani was just “petulant.”

I found Chani to be a rational skeptic that saw the big picture and understood how her people were being corrupted by the tool of organized religion.

For those who have seen the movies? How do you interpret Chani’s actions?

NoMagicCookie 8 June 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I enjoyed both part 1 and 2. I like the one made in the 70s or 80s more though. Chani was very different in the older version of the movie than in the new one. But my opinion of her is not the same as yours, in the movie paul is indeed the messiah has abilities and can prove such. So her skepticism is unfounded as she is being willfully ignorant to what is happening right in front of her face.

Tejas Level 8 June 1, 2024

I can almost understand what you are saying here but I have not seen this film either. At heart I am a big movie and TV fan and mostly that is what I do. It is my hobby. Our modern films are full of religious and political overtones and I think this is a good thing. I was not a fan of the first "Dune" so this may be why I have not watched this one.

There are several releases of Dune. The 1984 movie is to quote a reviewer "campy." Although they tell the same story that version feels more fun. The 2000 mini-series is really good. But the 2021 Dune and 2024 Dune Part Two are a different experience. On the big screen, the over 5 hours of screen time presents a harsh immersive environment that transports you into a different world.


Haven’t seen it! Is it worth my time?🤔

I don't know. On the big screen those movies (part one and part two) are a visual and auditory trip but I fear a great deal of the cinematic magic would be lost if watched on a television.

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