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Some, as I, may be totally unaware the next step in controlling our food supply is here ā€“ GMO animals. []
So glad Iā€™m mainly organic vegan.

pedigojr 5 June 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Unless you are foraging for your own food in the wild (and even then being very selective,) everything you ever ate in your life has been genetically modified by humans. Bon appetit!

Not really 'genetically' modified. A lot of things (especially wheat and many fruits (like apples) have been hybridized. This is done by producing a new type of plant or animal from two different types of plant or animal: be hybridized with Bison have been hybridized in the past with cattle. Genetically altering has only been around since we've been able to work at the genetic level. I'm sure this will or even has included humans.

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