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Dangerous Geopolitical Escalation
Western Globalist Neocons/Neoliberals and the Ukraine Proxy War
These actions are some of them that when combined are creating a very dangerous situation that could lead to a World War and even nuclear war:

A group of western vassal states have formed a pact with the Ukraine proxy regime to get more directly involved in the proxy war with the Russian Federation:

These countries have approved Ukraine's use of Western weapons on Russian soil:

UK, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Sweden, Estonia, Canada.

The US via the Biden Administration has approved Ukraine use of US weapons against areas of Russia that border Ukraine's Kharkov regime.

Russia has warned that any country that allows the Ukraine Proxy to use weapons against Russia is a direct participant and subject to retaliatory strikes. (Western weapon systems (such as artillery, aircraft, cruise missiles, military aircraft etc.,) are operated by Western military personnel and Western satellites, making Western states that provide these systems direct participants in the Ukraine Proxy War.)

1patriot 8 June 4

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