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Newly released figures of excess deaths from the Office of National Statistics in the United Kingdom show that the effects of lockdown are killing more people than are dying from COVID-19.
They continued: "During the pandemic, it was emphasised by politicians and the media on a daily basis that every Covid-19 death mattered and every life deserved protection through containment measures and Covid-19 vaccines. In the aftermath of the pandemic, the same moral should apply."

The study concluded that in Europe, the US, and Australia, there has been over one million excess deaths in 2020, but also 1.2 million in 2021 and 800,000 in 2022 after measures were put in place.

many say there 20 million and climbing as time passes

1patriot 8 June 4

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When one goes to the link captioned by "" the article (in part) states "The unexplained excess deaths are raising an alarm among medics". As such the article does NOT say "Newly released figures of excess deaths from the Office of National Statistics in the United Kingdom show that the effects of lockdown are killing more people than are dying from COVID-19.", it says the reason is unexplained.

yea they are are unexplained it does not say it's not happening so what's your point you up to do a forensic investigation on this post LOL

The study said that 'unprecedented' figures 'raised serious concerns' and called on world governments to launch investigations into underlying causes, including harms done by the vaccine. rebel news!

@1patriot Perhaps if you carefully reread my comment you will see the obvious point.

@Alienbeing i don't see your point. many around the world want to know why they are dying. if they cast a shadow about it instead of pointing a finger. the government might do it. but many are pointing the finger. the unjabbed are not dying. the government of the world ordered this vaccine and Pfizer stated in court that we made it exactly as the government requested.

@1patriot Clearly the point was the article said "The unexplained excess deaths are raising an alarm among medics"., whereas you said "Newly released figures of excess deaths from the Office of National Statistics in the United Kingdom show that the effects of lockdown are killing more people than are dying from"


The CLEAR point was you said the article said the article showed the lockdown was killing more people, BUT the article actually said "The unexplained excess deaths are raising an alarm among medics".

@Alienbeing i never fucking said any thing the article says it!

@1patriot Yes the article does say that, which is EXACTLY what I said in my original 6/7 reply. You don't put 2 & 2 together too well do you?

@Alienbeing your right i never get what the fuck your getting at, the only guy that does this shit is because you don't understand what has been written in the articles or you want to accuse me of writing the article. just read this whole post you might under stand what you want but i am sure any one else reading it can't figure it out!

@1patriot You never get it because you lack the education to grasp anything that is not very basic, and you don't seem to have many facts.

@Alienbeing and you don't fucking know how to read you want dissect article i post and twist what says which confuses the conversation. i wouldn't be engaging in your bullshit any more. you should see a doctor about you alzheimer's. and again i did not write the article......

@1patriot Your inabilities do not transfer to me. When you learn how to write and make decent life decisions, let me know.

@Alienbeing lol your a fucking idiot. i have made life decision and as i grow old i will make many more. so you make sure you run out and get the bird flu jab too as the c-19 has fucked you head up. you might as well be good and fucked!

@1patriot When you have anything of substance to say (a very unlikely event) let us know.

@Alienbeing your mental instability is showing again.... when you say "us" who are you referring too as your the only ass hole i have been conversing with or is that the darker side of yourself. you do know there are no aliens from outer space LOL

@1patriot Once again you display inability to comprehend what you think you read. I DID mean "us", meaning everyone, because everyone can see you are inept at best.

@Alienbeing you are full of yourself who the fuck would read any thing you read. fucking moron!

@1patriot Yawn, you wouldn't understand, the concepts are far above your head.

@Alienbeing you show your self with a fat head that why your full of yourself another asshole that thinks he smarter than every one else.

@1patriot I have met many people who are more intelligent than myself, but you certainly are not one of them. Your reply alone proves your "writing ability".

You replied " you show your self with a fat head that why your full of yourself " The entire phrase is incorrectly written. Thank you so much for proving YOU don't know how to wrote.

@Alienbeing It's truly baffling how you can't seem to grasp the simplest of concepts and then have the audacity to accuse others of lacking intellect. Your complete lack of understanding and inability to engage in coherent discussions only further proves that your own intelligence is severely lacking. Instead of resorting to baseless insults and trying to belittle others, perhaps you should take a moment to reflect on your own shortcomings and strive to actually contribute something meaningful to conversations. But then again, it's clear that your inflated ego and toxic behavior are preventing you from seeing beyond your own ignorance. It's truly a shame that you choose to showcase your lack of intellect in such a negative and hostile manner. so fuck off

@1patriot I have no lack of ability in recognizing concepts, simple or complex. I never insulted you but I have pointed out your B.S. My ego is fine, your limited understanding of almost anything is solely your problem. Rant on, you are somewhat amusing.

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