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Yes…at last the USA has made a sensible decision and untied Ukrainian Military’s hands in their war to repel and have the ability to fight back against Russia on level terms. This follows the latest Russian incursions into Northern Ukraine made on 9th May. It looks like it was this latest miscalculation by Putin that was the decider for the Americans…

Marionville 10 June 6

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Russia has a mono-economy. It also has a single ideological approach to many things going on within their country. History has shown these sorts of situations tend not to end well. My way or the highway seems to be how Putin deals with everything.
The need to sort the population by ethnic lines also is problematic. How ever you slice it Putin came into Ukraine with one goal in mind, take over and exploit the resources.
Oh, and Russia has no ports, that was what was behind the taking of the Crimea.
The smart thing - imho - would have been to recognize their weakness, admit it and then broker deals. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Japan is another nation lacking many resources and when it finally wanted to enter the world markets it too wanted to dominate by cruel means and then came fat man and little boy. The country rebuilt and learned from history. Using it's strengths to share and enrich itself and the world. Germany saw the same devastation and the Marshall Plan helped get the country not controlled by the soviets back on it's feet.
Let us not forget the U.S and it's supporters also have a long and sordid history and there are certain elected officials that want cruel legislation. A rant best left for another day.

I know the US., the UK and other counties in the west have much to be castigated for, the way they meddle and interfere around the world …but to do nothing in this instance and allow Putin to rebuild the Russian Empire as he he sees it…would be a fatal mistake. Ukraine would only be the first step.

@Marionville Thanks for ending my thoughts. By the end I needed more coffee. Putin pushed just too far and there simply is no justification for what he has done, the rest of the counrties had to push back and help Ukraine. I just hope we do not end with the nuke option.

@silverotter11 Putin is a tyrant and despot…however I don’t think he’s completely insane.

@Marionville Just an over the top control freak? 🤨


More likely the yanks can't stand anymore humiliation inflicted by Russia's outstanding successes not just on the battlefield ratio of deaths but ease of destroying NATO suplied machinery.
The only thing that attacking Russian territory is going to do is widen the conflagration. . . Russia will now be able to target the British, American & other country's factories supplying missiles to the Ukrainians. Countries sending advisory troops for so called training are likely to have the regimental bases on home turf attacked from afar.


In most wars an invasion meant one could fight back, if able, in the invaders country. This has been a very peculiar war where only one side was allowed to invade.

How wrong of the Allies to bomb Germany just because Germany had bombed them.

Sarcasm. I think some people didn’t “get” that.

Russia didn't initially invade, it sent in a policing force to protect Ukrainian Russians who had declared independence of Kiev.

@FrayedBear A policing force equpped with tanks is an invasion. Equipped with AK47s is an invasion.

@KateOahu To not understand my sarcasm just after reading what I wrote is best described as unfortunate.

@rogerbenham "Ukrainian forces yet again committing war crimes & genocide against Russia." is not a sarcastic report or post.

@rogerbenham and only a fool would send troops armed with batons & riot shields against the might of a tens of billions of dollars American armed proxy army.


It has been shown our countering the SOviet Union in their war in Afghanistan is what bankrupted the country ended the communist system there. Of course we also got involved and lost against the Taliban. The latest news did have Biden caution against attacking Moscow.

Which resulted in the corruption imported from America that allowed the rise of the Russian oligarchs so decried by western corporations & politicians denied their rape & plunder.

As for for Biden's caution - hypocrisy - the man is having a 2 way bet as he wants to be re-elected.

@FrayedBear That's what all politicians do. It's always a balancing act to see who tries to help the country or tries to help themselves. Some, who are paying attention know the answer. Remember, this is our country an, as such, we pay attention. For us to criticize another country while not living there and knowing all the facts would make us less than smart.

@pedigojr the sooner that you realise that your governments have been lying to you the sooner you will understand that the majority of the other 96% of the world's population are fed up of America's interference in their lives whilst in pursuit of American selfish hegemony. In most cases America is not right.
In simple 500 year old language "fuck off & stop being #stupid!".

@FrayedBear When someone goes to personal attacks they lose all credibility. Good I know there's another conspiracy theorist to watch out for.

@pedigojr the conspiracy is all yours. Not surprising given what you are guilty of.


Maybe America would do better at handling their own American Civil wars of endless conflicts at home. Rather than creating world wars around the world,. They have no business to be involved. It's certainly not in most peoples democracy interest or integrity when most people of this world , don't want war. And Canada and Mexico have worsen relationships at their own US boarders. One baby step at a time rather than one world order that every US President keeps repeating like a broken parrot and system as a bad example. Hope Aliens do not ever come down to visit us and say, take me to your leader.

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