More and more immigration (for most developed countries) is coming into the forefront. This report covers Europe but it also concerns the US.
An important item: ”Mass immigration, a relatively recent phenomenon in Europe, raises pressing social questions. How willing are Europeans to accept large numbers of people from cultures without a strong commitment to human rights and gender equality? How well do those migrants integrate into European societies? Should current citizens have a right to slow migration to a pace that allows for full integration (if possible)? How do different immigration levels affect Europe’s generous economic safety nets? And what would be the fate of the EU’s natural areas, including the network of protected nature (Natura2000) if the continent becomes even more densely populated?”
”Despite many Europeans stated desire for less immigration, political elites generally continue to offer up more. Over the past decade, this has strengthened the vote totals for far-right parties across the EU. Although center and social democratic parties in the coming election have started to follow right-wing ones in their migration policy proposals, it is not yet clear if mainstream parties really are willing to curtail immigration. But they may be, if only to remain in power. It is speculated, for instance, that Ursula von der Leyen, the liberal conservative president of the European Commission since 2019, may need to form a coalition with right-wing parties to continue on in that role.”
One item, in the report, deals with Germany. In its zeal to overcome their horrible history during the war, Germany has become a country whose leaders promote a policy of having open arms to outsiders. In the fall of the Soviet Union, Germany was flooded with people looking for a better life. I was there and the people had to deal with a major crises of being inundated with non-Germans. The citizenry was being crushed and a lot of violence broke out. This country is the size of the states of Washington and Oregon (about 12 million). At that time Germany with a population of some 80 (now 83.8 million). The report projects that if, at the present level, there will be some 183.2 million at the end of the century!
I think that, as people become more affected by this issue and the harm that a large number of outsiders cause to a nation the more people will vote conservative (as the report shows). The republicans know this one policy gives them strength at the polls and finally Biden and some (sane) Democrats are become savvy to the dire need to control our borders (the no. 1 obligation of any country)!
This issue must be about reason and evidence not emotion. My late partner was an immigrant from Iran and she not only understood the seriousness of this problem but she pushed it wherever she went.