CORRECTED: 9th Circuit Court Concurred COVID-19 mRNA Injections Are NOT Legally Vaccines
"The right to refuse unwanted medical treatment is entirely consistent with this Nation’s history and constitutional traditions and the case merits are sufficient to invoke that fundamental right."
When you say "this Nation" what nation are you referring to? Your bio says you live in Alberta, Canada, so what "constitutional traditions" are you referring to?
where is Karen kingston from! she wrote the article
this other one do you understand what it saying do you know your countries constitution. you should likely read the article. it would explain what some of the question you have.
@1patriot I know the U.S. Constitution very well, and I know you don't write very well. Your post alone shows you have no clue. LONG before COVID the U.S. had manditory vaccines.
Anytime you want to illustrate your lack of legal education, let me know.
@Alienbeing why are you asking me stupid question like "When you say "this Nation" what nation are you referring to? Your bio says you live in Alberta, Canada, so what "constitutional traditions" are you referring to?" if you fucking knew i did write it, to me it looks like your alzheimer's is showing, i didn't want to argue with the mentally challenged person
@1patriot Your feeble attempt to make a point merely shows you have none.