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Shortly after Jan 6 2020, interviews yielded the article linked below. Even after the publication of this article, the media has consistently censored all information about the incident where long guns (military rifles) were recovered from insurrectionists.

"Escobar: I was in the last group to leave the gallery, along with Mikie Sherrill, because Pramila Jayapal was using a cane and we stayed behind to make sure she got out safe. I don’t remember there being a police officer there to escort us out. As we descended the stairs, going from the third floor to the second, I turned and saw men with long guns facedown on the floor and officers surrounding them with drawn guns. The men on the ground were looking right at us. It was just awful. "

Thus, it is likely or certain that Mikie Sherrill as well as Pramila Jayapal saw what Veronica Escobar (Tx) saw. I asked Katie Porter if she knew Escobar and she said yes, but then said she didn't know anything about the rifles but would look into it. Crickets.

Only the CIA has the capability to enforce a media ban like that (Operation Mockingbird). But to what end? Why greatly reduce the perceived horror of the attack?

"Escobar: I made my way from one side of the gallery to the other amid the “Get down! Take cover!” screams, and when we got there, we were again instructed to get down. I was watching the police officers with their guns pointed at the terrorists. I could see their faces through the broken glass on the door, and I remember feeling very afraid for the police because I thought they were going to get shot in the head. "

These were the police who were given an award last week for their bravery. Republicans abdicated participating in a show of disrespect.


racocn8 9 June 9

Enjoy being online again!

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