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15 min video

Video: Bill Gates Caught Telling Inner Circle 'Global Famine' Will Make Elites 'God-Like' - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

1patriot 8 June 12

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'Less souls on Earth is a GOOD thing.' No personal offence, but I think older generations are inclined to think this way because they've already had their lives. Meanwhile, future matters to younger generations, naturally.

Ryo1 Level 8 June 13, 2024

My vote to get rid of people from this planet is. Get rid of killiaire like Kill Gates first.


Seems that's where we're headed. BTW it should be 'fewer' souls.


I agree that less people is good. There's got to be a better way than starvation.

From most experts I've heard we can sustain a population of about 11 to 12 billion, with our current food production.

@Tejas And what is meant by 'experts?' Usually economist that assume economic growth is the most important thing going and that technology will save us. Both wrong but when one is willing to push losts of money at something one can convince many (the slow ones) they are right.

@Tejas people in warmer climate can grow year around food is not the problem we can control population if we limit birth rate to 1 child but did it it help china....all boys and no girls....7 billion people can fit into the state of texas and each on would have 1300sq.ft to move around in and this planet is big.

More people on earth, are dieing of obesity than Starving.

@Tejas What about quality of life?

@nowhereman55 I'm sorry but forced population control is authoritarian and against everything I stand for. If you want people to procreate less especially poor people, you need to provide an incentive to do so.

@Tejas BS. If thet give you a break for how many dependents you have when you do your taxes then I want a break for 0 dependents which is the nicest thing you can do for the planet. Your just selfish. PS. Chernobyl Russia is the most beautiful city in the world.

@nowhereman55 it's easy for you since nobody wants to fuck such an ugly turd of a human.

@Tejas Ouch!!!!

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