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Perhaps a bit of good news concerning right wing (non)news sources. []

pedigojr 5 June 13

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You think CNN and MSNBC etc are news sources?

This was NPR. And yes, they are sources based with s degree of journalistic ethics not just for money (many are actually going broke). Too many think (or want to) that all journalists lie. That's what the lying ones want people to think so they offer entertainment as a way of justifying their lies.

@pedigojr Most mainstream journalism in the US has been infotainment for decades. As someone put it in the 60s "The media may not tell you what to think, but they certainly tell you what to think about."

@Druvius So basically there are no real news sources. They all lie!? Therefore no one knows true facts and are free to come up with their convoluted information despite all the universities and people dedicated to research, science and concerned by the life support system on this planet!? Unfortunately, more and more are subscribing to the everybody lies trap and is creating a world that is increasingly dangerous, violent and is destroying life on this planet.

Fortunately, there are still many of us who absolutely do not pedal to this crap. Many of us see the sources which are often about large sums of money of which comes from those unable to really think and practice critical thinking (about ones own thinking and not others). To me, just looking at these people is clear evidence of what I term the illiterati.

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