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Factually interesting and educational.

British magazine from the Early 1960’s called 'Knowledge', displaying different races around the world.

Ryo1 8 June 14

Enjoy being online again!

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A classification of different races around the world, such as this one, is a vital piece of information/knowledge for, for example, studies of racial and ethnic differences in response to medicines.

Ryo1 Level 8 June 14, 2024

Ethnic and cultural differences, I understand especially when it comes to their needs.

To me, people are just that, people. Either you are nice or you are not. Individual choices are not my business unless they lie to, manipulate, use, or force others.

@Betty Although I don't disagree with you, we are talking about two different things.

@Ryo1 You define them as "race" and I do not.


All I see are people.

Betty Level 8 June 14, 2024


@Ryo1 Maybe to you. I don't judge on skin colour nor do I recognize the word "race" to describe people.

@Betty Go further and beyond.

@Ryo1 I do.


I am surprised at some of the people included in the Caucasian section. Were the designations based on geography rather than skin color?

Apparently, the concept of the Caucasian race keeps changing.

'In the United States, the root term Caucasian is still in use as a synonym for white or of European, Middle Eastern, or North African ancestry, a usage that has been criticized.'

@Ryo1 since the term is based on the Caucasian mountains, it could account for the various depictions being based on location.

From Wikipedia (not academic, but good for quick reference):

"The term Caucasian as a racial category was introduced in the 1780s by members of the Göttingen school of history – notably Christoph Meiners in 1785 and Johann Friedrich Blumenbach in 1795—it had originally referred in a narrow sense to the native inhabitants of the Caucasus region."


@Gwen_Wanderer It's complicated (and therefore I find it interesting). Differences in races are related to geographical factors, cultural factors, societal factors, etc. There is more to race than just skin color, that's for sure.

@Ryo1 indeed!


A very similar picture was in my social studies textbook from that era.

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