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So it seems Trump's buddy is in a shit pot of trouble since the latest round of sanctions have been announced.... The Ruble dropped to 120 R to the USD in less than a day and are projected to drop to as low as 200 to 1 by the end of this year... Putin got angry and announced the new reserve currency would be the Chinese yuan which while much stronger than the ruble is also dropping as sanctions against some of their banks and companies are hurting the value of their money as well...
At the latest G-7 meeting sanctions against Russia's ghost fleet have also been announced which will further undercut the Russian economy... This with the new 50 Billion USD loan backed by frozen assets to Ukraine is going to really hurt Russia's ability to push for any end to this war that has a positive outcome for them...


Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 June 14

Enjoy being online again!

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