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Mark Twain traveled extensively ...

snytiger6 9 June 15

Enjoy being online again!

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This is exactly why joining the US Army at age 18 was so good for me. I ended up in Germany, traveled to Spain and Holland and met a lot of different types of people along the way. Went through France on trains, etc. If none of that ever happened I would most likely still be talking like Ken Curtis who played Festus on Gunsmoke. Self taught in many things that I do, I have been my own attorney and even did my own divorce once.

I handled my own bankruptcy when I started to lose my vision, lost my job and couldn't find work. I also handled my own legal name change. Many legal processes are simple enough for a person to do themselves, or perhaps with an instruction book. I did refer to books from the NOLO Press as instructional manuals to do it myself.


I'd have to agree with his assessment. It was my travels around Asia in 1979, when I was 16 and turned 17 on that trip, which caused a wedge to insert itself into my thoughts which started to separate my thinking from my conservative religious and bigoted upbringing. It was the first time I was separated for an extended period without the influence of my parent's religion (Mormon). The previous year, my age group was supposed to read the old testament, which I did, and that also created massive doubts, as I noticed the similarities to the myths we were reading in high school at the same time. Had I remained insulated and sheltered, I'd have likely remained just as miserable as most of my childhood was. The misery, I now realize, was the result of a great deal of cognitive dissonance due to the religion I was raised in.

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