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ISRAELI say they are the most moral military in human history.

I would say the worst moral war on film since the second world war. Imagine a 1000 Zionist Hollywood holocaust movies made are actually real and are truth, plus oldies but moldies. I only regret what I don't do in the future . About the Palestinian genocide on film to date. Do Isrealis want us to believe these Palestinians are all paid actors and 3/4 of them, women and children are all faking their deaths.
What do you find true? Words from a Slimmed fat weasel or Palestinians on film in real time?

Castlepaloma 8 June 15

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Atila the Hun had a bit of a reputation coloured by time. Pol Pot a proven one that nobody did anything about. The Romans were gruesome & Hitler's Germany learnt from the French.


I'm not sure what a moral war is. Why am I picking up hints of Alex Jones here?

Wtf is Alex Jones?

@FrayedBear He is a man who gets paid for all his lies, has a big following, and is always being sued.

@DenoPenno you mean the same as felon Trump & Genocide Joe?


I'd believe Allex more than Trump or Biden. Although don't support any of them, other than their free speech. They still can't shut down Allex free speech over 1.5 billion $.

Maybe a few could have been killed over Allex free speech. I say sticks and stones will hurt my bones, but words can never hurt me.

There could be 100s of thousands of Palestinians deaths after all the starving, injuries, illnesses and building rebel has been cleared.
Israel should change the term most moral military war ever in history. To the most moron military war ever in history.

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