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Thank you Jimmy....

As a birthday tribute for the convicted felon’s 78th birthday. Jimmy Kimmell rattled off the following “Top 78 Donald Trump Nicknames of All Time:”

Don Whoreleon

Napoleon Bone-Aspur

R. Smelly




El Pork-Choppo

MAGA Theresa

All Caps-Tain Kangaroo

Rip One Van Winkle

Count Flatula

Founding Farter


Teddy Dozevelt

Gaseous Clay

Dopey McGropey

Lepre-Con Man

Al Ca-Porn

Julius Squeezer

The Shart of the Deal

His Flatulency

Mayor McCutTheCheese



Stable McGenius

The Tanchurian Candidate

Orange Baby Jesus

Refrigerator Perry Mason

Off-Whitey Bulger

Tannibal Lecter

The Not-So-Great Pumpkin

Carrot Bottom

Scammy Davis Jr.

Rich Little Hands

Donnie Cochran

The MAGA-Lorian

Vladimir Gluten


Darth Tax Evader

Our Fondling Father

Maroon 45

The Legend of Bragger Vance


The Tan of La Mancha

Butch Casserole


MAGATHA Christie

Grab-Ass Grandpa

Orange Julius Caesar

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 June 16

Enjoy being online again!

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I just love the Classics. lol
The ones I really like are the ones entered into the Congressional Records and the Court Records!!

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