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Satanic billionaires are funding thousands of “journalists” to promote the global Net Zero depopulation agenda



'. . . Notable funders of the EJN include the European Climate Foundation, supported by figures like Michael Bloomberg and Sir Christopher Hohn of Extinction Rebellion. Other supporters include so-called philanthropic organizations such as Tides, Gulbenkian, Oak, Packard, Climate Justice Resilience, MacArthur and Rockefeller, alongside political and governmental entities like the United Nations and the British Foreign Office. . . . The report is essentially an indoctrination manual that emphasizes the importance of swaying public opinion on climate change, so government will get behind climate action plans on a global scale. These action items include geoengineering experiments over the skies, the land and water, as well as genetic experiments that lessen emissions from living organisms. Global action also entails taxation schemes that punish certain behaviors and reward those that fall in line with “the science.” In the process of molding the world into a Net Zero future, they seek to eradicate traditional carbon-based energy sources, while destroying personal autonomy, national sovereignty and innovation. Despite the effort of green billionaires to stifle dissenting voices, skepticism regarding human control over the climate persists among scientific circles.

This is why the report finds it "highly problematic" that notable scientists are calling climate change a hoax, even in 2024. For example, 2022 Nobel physicals prize winner, Dr. John Clauser, called the link between temperature and carbon dioxide a "crock of crap." The report acknowledges rising objection to climate change narratives but seeks to manipulate the public into compliance by continuing to buy off journalists and control media reports on the subject matter.'

1patriot 8 June 17

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