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Lately I'm stupefied by ignorance of the U.S. population. Are we worth saving, seriously I'm afraid were too far gone. Where a adjudicated rapist is allowed allowed to run for president. Where the 1st amendment is being trashed ie; Julian Assange [of course He's Australian] but you know what I mean. Where members of congress do inside trading and take bribes from lobbyist. When billionaires get trillions in tax cuts. When x presidents aren't held responsible for war crimes. When corporations elect our politicians too do their bidding. When most working families can't make ends meet. Where 1 out of 100 people are incarcerated. The rest of the world is laughing and cursing at us. Nough said.

theyweretripping 6 June 19

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In a nutshell, no, I don't think our country is worth saving.


I had chats with my Dad back in the early 1990s about the negative impacts of pardoning Nixon. While we both knew I was a poor student, an interest I did have was the history and back story on the 1929 Market Crash and what followed. The socio-economic conditions that existed fueled that crash.
Even as early as the late 1980s I could see where Reagan and then Bush wanted to take the U.S. I was not a fan of Clinton either, Dad had passed in 1996 and I had no one to chat politics with. But everyone was happy in their ignorance and working too damn hard just to get by. The plans the GOP had been working towards since the mid 1970s was finally playing out as they had envisioned. These republicans were not Lincoln Republicans or Eisenhower Republicans. Their ideology was morphing into something that resembled what were the Dixiecrats of the south back in 1948. Really though it was factions of both parties that got us to where we are today.
The driving force is the same as it ever was - folks with a moral / ethical compass that bends easily to money and power.

You're right, we are screwed because both major parties are equally corrupt..

@TomMcGiverin Yes,and I REALLY loathe arguements about which is more corrupt. Tho the list of indictments, convictions and jail time for the GOP is much bigger than the Dems. That could mean the one side is just better at not getting caught. lol


C’mon, do you want to sleep ALL THE TIME?

I find your reply incoherent explain please, or not.


All the stuff you don’t like and you do nothing to change anything, not even to move out of its way.

@yvilletom Not exactly so, I carry a protest signs, VFP member, Socialist Worker Party, I talk the talk and walk the walk both
. Hoping were both on the same page brother.


Probably almost the same page. I want employees to own the stock of the companies they work for, to share profits and losses.

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