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Is anyone surprised that Clarence Thomas voted to let domestic abusers keep their guns?

Flyingsaucesir 8 June 22

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I wonder if it is an American or legal training issue "I really don't care". It's an attitude of a member or two on this site.


If an individual can be trusted to live in society, they should be granted the same rights as everyone else.

Tejas Level 8 June 23, 2024

Do you claim psychopaths, paranoid schizophrenics et al are entitled to the same rights as everyone else?

I suggest that a violent domestic abuser is merely a psychopath awaiting certification. Certification that will most likely be necessary if the dv abuser has access to weapons.


As a survivor of domestic abuse this is Horrifying to me.
The most dangerous time for the abused is when s/he goes to leave as that directly challenges the abusers control and power, and a gun makes it soooo easy.........

Anita Hill told us who he was. And he's still the same greedy, lying, abusive POS he was when he was sitting before the Judiciary Committee during the JHW Bush administration.

@Flyingsaucesir I believed every word that incredibly brave woman said, I knew a hundred guys just like him back then.

Exactly. I'm lucky she only had a glass thermometer & was able to protect my jugular with my arm before she slashed the broken device across my throat.

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