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More evidence in why the split in governing parties. Latest headlines read that “Green parties lose big in EU parliamentary elections by ignoring the relationship between immigration and environmental damage. They could have used the topic to their advantage, but failed to do so. It became the flagship issue of the right.”[] The latest news in Sunday’s Seattle Times ”Migrants flee suffering, risk lives to get to Seattle.” Two and a half pages of the horror stories people are going through that pushes them out of their countries. Unfortunately, the Times report only talked of the suffering and reasons people are fleeing but not one word of the reason so many countries have come to the situation they are presently in. Yes, it’s deplorable and heartbreaking what people are going through in todays, ‘modern’ times. I’ve heard many times people say that if tRump gets elected they will head for Denmark, Barcelona or some other country. Yet, we are not physically suffering and living under miserable times (not yet at least). Problem we ‘smart’ humans forget is, we are a part of nature and nature is red in claw and tooth and, in the necessity for balance, cares not a bit about any one species especially the most destructive and invasive one on this planet. I would ask, what good is trying to help others when that help involves perhaps billions of others and, in the end, only makes matters worse!?
Just saw an interesting reply: So what kind of greens is one: “(limes: green inside and out) and so-called Greens (watermelons: green on the outside and red on the inside).

pedigojr 6 June 23

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Let me see if I understand this correctly .... the Greens lost ground in the election because they didn't jump on the Right's irrelevant racist bandwagon. Yeah, it's called having principles.

No it's called being ignorant. It is NOT about racists (emotion). It's about reality. Too many equate immigration using emotion but there are very strong reason based reasons this needs to be addressed. When emotions are used we get exactly what we have right now. Entrenched people unwilling to look at facts and find a common ground. I have posted items from the overpopulation group before and they are all reasoned based. BTW my late partner was an immigrant and was also the most reason person anyone ever met. She understood, fully how damaging this issue is.
Perhaps people should look at the video is attached below. It clearly shows the limits of too many.


"I would ask, what good is trying to help others when that help involves perhaps billions of others and, in the end, only makes matters worse!?" (sic)

I'm alright Jack.

Thank you for giving me yet another chance to post one of my favorite ways to show that, despite all our best (but misguided) intentions we still ignore the simple fact of limits. I've posted this many time before but always get a kick out of watching it.


Helping others DOES NOT only make matters worse.

When you get out of your present funk you will be better off.

I’m so sure you will be better off that I’ll say no more.

A typical, narrow anthropocentric response. Problem is population demographics is a science and, as such, does not put one life form ahead of the system the supports all life forms. I expected, as the study said, there would be push back along the lines of humans above all. Sounds very much like religion- we are a special species (we are not and pride for our species is one of the deadly sins).

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