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Gives 'Death Metal' music a whole new meaning. πŸ€ͺ []

captfeelgood 6 June 24

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Death Metal. For the most part it’s the Cookie Monster singing.


Looks like a Pentecostal service from years ago. Probably worse today.

I'm on the site but Zuckie ain't my duckie.


What exactly the hell are you talking about? Context helps for those who refuse to give clicks to Zuckie.

Hhhhmmm.. Well, let's take a look here. It's posted in the "Music, Movies & Books" section. That should give you a hint right there. Then right there in the ONLY line of the post "Gives 'Death Metal' music a whole new meaning".... HELLL I DONT KNOW WHAT THIS COULD BE TALKING ABOUT, SCOTT.... πŸ™„ If you don't want to click on FB links, then just skip over it, move on. No big deal. I PROMISE YOU, I won't lose a minute of sleep if you just ignore anything I post. I just don't give a shit. Okay? πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

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