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I recently hooked up with an old friend whom I had not seen in more than 15 years. I think that I posted about this in another thread--she believes that the moon is hollow and that aliens have been on Earth for millennia. She says that the collapse of society will come before the end of the year and I should withdraw my CDs and buy silver. I told her that one cannot eat silver and that it will be as useless as money when the collapse comes.

She is pagan and many of them are as delusional as Xtians.

She is a "holistic" health person and believes that the medical community lies to us. She pops vitamins and has numerous health issues. She said the precautions for Covid were a joke and refused to wear a mask. She caught it twice and was miserably ill. I guess the vaccines were worse than the virus. The holistic health route is not apparently doing her much good, but I think she thinks it is keeping her alive.

I am a year older than she is, am in great health, got my vaccines and wore a mask, and did not catch Covid. Apparently, the vaccines did not kill or damage me. I stopped taking vitamins long ago and get what I need via my diet.

What IS IT with people like her? How do they get to this point? She has an MA (I mentioned that before, as well, but now know she got it a seminary when she was still Xtian).

I can't figure out why if modern medicine is so detrimental, I am in such good health and she is in such poor health. Genes, I guess. I know that the my sister's doctor kept her alive with modern medicine to the point where she lived eight years beyond the two he originally gave her. Had she gone my friend's route, she would never have had those eight extra years.

Gwen_Wanderer 7 June 25

Enjoy being online again!

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I met a naturopath "doctor" recently, who I've been avoiding lately, after sharing a few hours together. Her opinions are enough to make me think there is no way anyone can live a life that she imagines is healthy. So many rules! She was telling me how lonely she was, so I invited her out to a fun music dance thing, but all she did was complain, on the ride up, at the event, and the ride back, so never again.

She kept making "observations" about people, which to me seemed like judgments. "Oh look that person has a tiny hole in the back of her dress..." Um... maybe she just loves that dress as much as I love many of my clothes which I still wear, hoping nobody judges me. "Oh look, her dancing boots are getting worn unevenly, she should take them to a cobbler." This was not a fashion show! We are comfortable friends gathering with our smiles and good company. She didn't seem to reasonate with that.

When I see this "friend" along the bike path she chats me up, trying to set me up with a male friend of hers, with whom I'm not interested. She doesn't think it's healthy to live a life alone. Well, it is for me, I've tried making a duo work and it's not for me, at least at this time in my life. She longs to have someone to be close with - yet she's so judgmental and has very weird limiting opinions - it's no wonder she can't find someone who can stand to be around her. I only lasted 3 hours.

She tells me that what I'm wearing is going to kill me... (yoga pants, sports bra, topped with a breathable shirt, while riding my bike.) She only wears natural cotton. Okay, well I don't have time to iron my bicycling clothes. Not giving a frick what people think about my clothes while I'm exercising will keep me living longer than her, I'm guessing.

I am currently recovering from a cold - it's been 12 hours without cold medicine - yay - but I am very grateful that I did have the option of taking nasal decongestant, cough suppressant and fever reducer these past few days, so that I could perform my weddings this week. (Standing 6 feet apart from my couples, outdoors of course.) Hooray for science and common sense!

People like that are IMO Very unhappy and may not even have any idea they are.

Whoa! That is even more extreme than my friend in some ways--and I still call her "friend" even though I am going to have to take her small doses (pun on holistic medicine intended). She would not criticize other people for their looks/dress.

You touched on another issue that is one of my big pet peeves: women criticizing other women. What does it matter if someone had a hole in her dress or if another had boots which were worn? People say things like that to boost their own self esteem, and their self esteem must be low in order for them to do so.

No wonder she can't keep friends.

And your comment about the criticism has prompted me to write an experience I had lately! I will start a new thread for it.


Each to their own. Hope you had a good catch up about other things as well.
Re medicine, good to have a mix. Lot of dodgy stuff on both sides really. Extremes don't usually work well eg only nature based heath care is the ONLY way is a tad nutty, but no more nutty than "modern medicine is the ONLY way" either imo.
If aliens have been on Earth for millennia, then are they still alien? That's what I would have asked her. How long have we been here then if they are "aliens"? And what do white mice think of all this?

puff Level 8 June 25, 2024

As I recall from Hitchhiker's Guide, mice are in control!

I'm weird, but a type of sane weirdness. I don't remember her being so . . . out there 16 years ago. I think that I am going to have to take her in small doses, but she is amusing in a weird way. I made it clear that I do not believe the moon is hollow.


I really feel for you! I recently went to the funeral of an old friend who died because he spurned modern medicine in favor of vitamin pills and "liver cleanses." He contracted a simple infection, and wouldn't take antibiotics for it. Eventually, as the simmering infection progressed, he lost all resemblance to his former self, and died after months lingering in a hospital, still refusing modern medicine. Even his holistic doctor advised him to see an infectious diseases specialist, but he wouldn't. Oh, yes, and he'd become a Trumper, too.

This once bright man, who had a degree in engineering and a masters in musicology from a well-respected university, gave up a great job to become a psychic astrologer. He was also a cat collector. His cousin, who inherited his house, discovered that the floorboards were infused and reeking with cat urine. His two Steinway grand pianos, once his pride and joy, were saturated with cat urine, too, and unsalvageable.

I believe strongly that my friend, and perhaps yours as well, had serious mental health issues, which got worse with age. My friend's father and grandfather lived well into their 90s, while he died at 73, probably having cheated himself out of at least 20 years of life. So sad.

And sadly, there are all too many who are more than willing to profit, from someone else's mental health problems.

Although this woman continues to teach and function, I think that she has some mental health issues. The willingness--even the eagerness--to buy into "alternative" medical treatment and accept crockpot theories over scientific research is just not . . . sane. I am not a scientist, but I know that the moon is not hollow because I am logical.

I told her that the only health issues I've had in the past few years were heart palpitations. She IMMEDIATELY said it was a lack of potassium, but I get potassium in my diet (love those bananas) and when my doctor does yearly bloodwork, I am not deficient in anything. The palpitations were first from caffeine, so I stopped drinking soda with caffeine. They continued and I read an article BY RESEARCHERS that said aspartame might cause heart issues, especially in older women. I stopped consuming anything with aspartame and the palpitations stopped. I also wore a monitor for two days that showed there was nothing wrong with my heart. It was not even a health issue, per se.

When my sister was still alive and being treated for cancer, quite a few people told me that she needed to stop seeing an oncologist and do everything from changing her diet to thinking positive thoughts. I did not bother to relay these "life saving" techniques to her.

Like your friend, this one seems to have worsened with age. Alas.

@Fernapple oh, yeah . . . and lots of armchair doctors who know how to cure everything IF ONLY people would listen to them.

A friend got endometrial cancer, notoriously undetected until advanced (because you are just a middle-aged whiny woman) and she and her partner excitedly told everybody, how, to avoid chemo, they had found all these wonderful alternative treatments.
I kept my mouth shut as they were so clearly already committed to this course of action.
At the 3rd recurrence (total elapsed time less than 3 years, so I strongly suspect scamming!!!!!) they decided to go full throttle with conventional treatment, but of course by then it was popping out in other organs. After the 2nd round of full-bore modern medicine, which only partially worked, she simply said Enough.

Find a spot of something on/in me, I want a 3' crater dug out around it, chemo, radiation, whatever else you got and I want it to start Yesterday!

@annewimsey500 I totally agree with you! Years ago, a smart friend of mine had "Angelina Jolie" surgery, after finding out she carried the gene for breast cancer. Smart decision. She is 72 and healthy.

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