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Just trying to keep cool ...

snytiger6 9 June 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Next time just step inside and close the door, problem solved.

Knowing my luck, something would go dreadfully awry in such a scenario, lol.


You need to make sure to do that at a Walmart, as they aren't near as picky about that sort of thing.

You changed your avatar again. Is that lego?

@Betty It was one of the images I already had uploaded to my profile, and that's from an old video game called

@SpikeTalon Does each avatar represent a different aspect of your personality?

@Betty Some do, while others are just for the fun of it. Any ones related to the Deus Ex franchise would reflect my love of and appreciation for those video games. Some avatars could represent my rather rebellious and nonconformist take on life. A few other avatars might be (loosely) associated with certain things I've seen or done in the past.

One avatar I've used alot in the past is Blucifer, which is a sculpture located near the Denver International Airport in Colorado. Awhile back one of the resident female members on this site (who shall remain unnamed), not knowing what Blucifer is, mistakenly thought that was some sort of icon or logo for a strip club for women, which she thought that as she had alluded to my past entertaining at some hen parties as a side gig in my twenties, so she thought that avatar currently had something to do with my past on that. It doesn't of course, but now every time I use that avatar I'm reminded of her comments, lol. Here's a link to a quick story on the history of that sculpture, and being what it looks like and certain details (the mustang's family jewels are rather pronounced), I can kinda understand how it got mistaken for a symbol relating to male strippers.

The transhumanist avatars certainly reflect an aspect of my life, as human augmentation technology and AI are topics that interest me greatly, some of which I am currently taking online courses about. So guess you could say that some of those avatars reflect my current mood as well.

@SpikeTalon Thank you for answering my question. I remember the Mustang, must have been quite a while ago since you displayed it. The story of its creation is interesting. It is definitely a striking conversation piece.

I wonder what happened to the smaller model, it must be worth a small fortune by now.

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