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What a waste!!

Aaron70 8 June 27

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It does seem strange to remove one large bit of space junk, which could perhaps be useful in the future. When there are thousands of bits of very dangerous junk up there, which could not possible ever be of value and are much harder to track.

The space station itself was a waste. Hundreds of trillions of dollars, for what!? To pay loser boy a billion dollars to crash it…..🤷🏻♂️
Some will say the research gained from the SS was worth all that money. I say the money would have been far better spent elsewhere. Like feeding people, and developing green energy…..🤠

The best part is hiring one of the biggest losers on the planet to crash it!!?
Maybe the monkey will accidentally drop the SS on Maralago!?!😇

They want to ensure a controlled reentry with the SS because of its size. In the unlikely event it would hit a city, it would be catastrophic.

Clearly the countries involved in the SS share my views with it being a losing investment, or they would continue to put resources into it…🤷🏻♂️

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