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After last nights debacle of a debate. It think the US is knee deep in shit. The rest of the world is laughing at us no doubt. F-in trump could'nt answer a single question. At least Biden tried, showed lots of facial expressions like smirks and [say what]. But should have fact checked him in a rebuttal. So tired of his I DID NOTHING WRONG comeback. He's done nothing right! The DMC best replace him with Michigan's Governor and. not Pamela Harris. What we witnessed was a shit show of numb skulls.This isn't going to end well no matter what

theyweretripping 7 June 28

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Lots of talent to choose from: Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Tim Kaine, Jamie Raskin, Dan Goldman...

(I like Gretchen Whitmer, but females probably remain unelectable.)

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