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When small men cast a big shadow ...

snytiger6 9 July 2

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And Trump is a tiny tiny man. People who can't admit they ever made a mistake no matter how trivial and understandable (think sharpiegate) are crippled immature cowardly insecure people in spades.


With the recent SCOTUS ruling on Presidential immunity, the sun may be about to, and is likely to, set on U.S. democracy ...

We were already a declining empire, but now even what is left of any democracy, is on the way out.

@TomMcGiverin I agree. The U.S. has been on the decline at lest since Nixon was president, but it really picked up steam with Reagan and the 1st Bush. Unfortunately the democrats when in power have at best just managed to keep the status quo. Every republican administration has moved us further on the decline in pursuit of short term gains for the rich, instead of the long term well being of the country at large.

The greed of the wealthy has undermined the long term well being of virtually every great civilization throughout history.

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